A link from a data file normally leads initially to the data fact. With a click onto the data name the file can be opened. With a special link this intermediate step can be left out. Steps: (1) Open the fact in which you want to insert the link to a file. (2) Click onto "edit" next to the title. (3) (a) in the texteditor: Mark the word which you want to link and then click onto the Link icon . Afterwards key in the URL of your platform and add the following syntax: /download/infoID (e.g. http://fcs.kundenplattform/download/216793.0). (b) im HTML-Mode: Key in the following syntax: <a href="http://url/download/infoid">Link</a> (e.g. <a href="http://fcs.kundenplattform.com/download/109562.0">Manual</a>) (4) Click on "next >>". (5) Assign permissions.
(6) Click onto "publish". If you now click onto the link, the data file will open in the adequate program.