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Create a custom box

You can make your custom box that will appear in the left frame. The advantage is that you can easily manage its content and define who will have the rights to see it. In order to create such box, please follow these steps:


Note that you have to be a P-admin to have the privilege to manage the order of the boxes and their creation.


|1| Create a fact.


|2| Define the pemissions who will be able to see the box' content.


|3| Copy the infoID of the fact and paste it in Padmin > Interface > Defining boxes > new custom box.


Examples of custom boxes and their purpose:


1). Box for In-Platform Admin. In HTML-mode of the editor paste the following code:


<adminlink>User administration</adminlink>

Here we use the tag adminlink.


2). Box with options for printing a page and downloading as pdf file


<printpreview><img src="/images/printer.gif" border="0"/></printpreview>

<img src="/images/nix.gif"/><printpreview> Print this page</printpreview><br>

<pdfdownload  nolinks="1" target="_blank" ><img src="/images/1506011.0" border="0"/></pdfdownload>

<img src="/images/nix.gif"/><pdfdownload  nolinks="1" target="_blank" >Download as PDF</pdfdownload>


In the highlighted text you should change the infoID with the id of uploaded imagepdf_icon - 1506011.1 on your platfrom 


3). Message box, where you can place any text and change it.

AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
infoID: 1545257.2 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 18 Nov. 2010 14:31
Struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  HowTo