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Sorting headers

This is a link that contains the title of the column in the list. The sorting headers can be available for each column, placed above it. This sorting header links can be disabled by the padmin.

AutorIn: factline factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Webservices factline 4 (factline4)
factID: 1421238.1; Publiziert am 14 Jän. 2010 10:51
struktur  >  English  >  Glossary 
Verweis(e) (5):
Sorting in Structure List and Triple Click18 Jän. 2012factlink
Sorting in Structure List and Triple Click02 Sep. 2010factlink
Structure list02 Sep. 2010factlink
order01 Jul. 2010factlink
General description of the lists14 Jän. 2010factinclude